Used Tire News-


What is dry rot?
Also known as sidewall cracking, dry rot is a specific type of tire decay that can occur as a tire ages or is consistently exposed to harmful substances and kept in inappropriate conditions. Advanced dry rot can cause small cracks on the outside edges of your tire tread. If this happens it could have a negative impact on your car’s handling, even if your tread still has adequate depth overall.

Though it might appear similar, dry rot tires are by no means considered blemished tires. Blem tires do have imperfections but they are only cosmetic – which means they do not affect tire performance in any way. You can learn more about blemished tires in another blog post.

Tires degrade over time because the rubber loses its protective resin. The resin protects the tire from oxidizing and drying out. When the tire loses these protective properties, it becomes frail and begins to crack.

What causes dry rot?
The most common cause of dry rot is a long period of inactivity. If a vehicle is stationary for a long period of time, the tires will start to dry out. Tires are intended for frequent use by their design, the aforementioned resins mean the tires to be in continual use for them to release their protective oils and keep the tire from drying out. So, the longer your car is sitting in one place, the danger of dry rot becomes more likely.

dry Tires in a desert
Tires in a desert (probably really dry).
As climate and exposure to the sun are big factors in the appearance of dry rot, the danger is that much greater if your vehicle is parked outside for an extended period of time, exposed to the elements. To cover all the bases, here’s a list of all the factors that may contribute to dry rot:

Excessive or direct sunlight that exposes the tires to harmful UV rays
Long term exposure to high temperatures
Long term exposure to low temperatures
Exposure to chemicals such as motor oils, industrial cleaning solutions, pool maintenance chemicals, etc.
Underinflation, especially when the car is driven regularly
Ozone generated by electrical equipment
Extended periods of vehicle inactivity, especially when combined with any of the above
How to spot dry rot?
Dry rot manifests itself in a couple of ways. A new, healthy tire has a smooth appearance while the most common sign of dry rot is cracking. As mentioned, dry rot dries the tire, so if your tires have been struck by dry rot, you may notice pieces of the rubber chipping away from the tire. Cracks on the sidewall might start appearing. The tire may start to lose color, appearing more gray than black, and this is a clear sign that the dry rot is starting to take hold.

Tire Dry Rot
Dry rot tire.
Cracks on the outside of the tread may also appear. The cracks on the tread are the most dangerous symptom of dry rot, as they affect the vehicle’s handling. These cracks could be large and noticeable or thin and more subtle, depending on the degree of the dry rot.

Is it safe to drive with dry rot tires?
The smartest course of action is to not tempt fate and have dry rotted tires switched out immediately upon noticing the issue. Since cracks appear due to dry rot, the tire can lose air through these cracks. If these tires are then consistently driven on, the cracks start to grow larger and deeper.

If the crack goes deep enough to reach the nylon strands that are woven into the tire to support the weight of the vehicle, the heat accumulated through driving will enlarge the tire and it may break apart while you are on the highway.

How to prevent dry rot?
The factors that cause dry rot can be curbed by taking a few preventative measures. The industry standard is to swap out tires before they get to be 10 years of age (some tire companies recommend replacement as early as six years after manufacture). Don’t skimp when purchasing new tires, go for the highest quality tires you can afford when replacing an old set of tires. When purchasing, choose tires based on speed rating and tread wear strength.

Even if you have no need for it, drive your car regularly, avoid letting a car sit unused for a long period of time, and especially avoid letting your car sit in harsh environmental conditions for those extended periods. Pay special attention to your tires if you live in a part of the world that experiences all four seasons. The shifting between hot and cold temperatures accelerates the aging process in tires, especially if the shifts in temperature come rapidly. If you happen to live somewhere with extreme temperatures (winter or summer) then it’s a good idea to check your tires for signs of dry rot more often.

Keep your car in a climate-controlled garage to reduce the chances of dry rot. If you do park in a garage, keep chemical solutions, heaters, and electrical equipment away from your car. If you must park outside, pay attention to the weather. Cover your entire car or use tire covers to minimize the effects of temperature fluctuations.

Check air pressure as often as you can. Underinflated tires can collapse and crease the sidewall of the tire. Older tires are more likely to crack, collapse or develop dry rot if driven while underinflated. According to a study by the NHTSA, 14% of all passenger vehicles in the U.S. have at least one underinflated tire. You can also utilize protective tire sealants. They can renew the shine of a new tire and also protect the tire from harmful UV rays that can lead to cracking and dry rot.

USED TIRE NEWS-ExxonMobil engages in pyrolysis, forms joint venture with chemical recycler

USEDTIRES.com The Used Tire News authority

Used Tire news-Deerfield Beach Fl-From WEIBOLD.com-ExxonMobil engages in pyrolysis, forms joint venture with chemical recycler

JANUARY 7, 2021

2020 has become a great year in forming partnerships between tire and plastic pyrolysis companies with world’s leading chemical producers, and pyrolysis operators with tire manufacturers. In the beginning of 2021, good news comes again, this time – from the plastics pyrolysis domain, which nevertheless goes hand in hand with end-of-life tire pyrolysis.

Agilyx – a chemical recycling company – and ExxonMobil have created a joint venture that will sort and recover waste plastic, the chemical recycling company recently revealed.

The joint venture, called Cyclyx International, will develop ways to aggregate and process waste plastics, preparing them for recycling. Under an agreement signed by the two companies, ExxonMobil will invest $8m for a 25% stake in Cyclyx, Agilyx said.

In return, ExxonMobil will get priortised access to plastic waste for recycling projects that it is developing, Agilyx said. ExxonMobil will also get access to Agilyx’s artificial intelligence platform. The two companies will work together to develop more technologies and techniques. Agilyx said it will benefit from a royalty on all the feedstock flowing through Cyclyx.

The company had created Cyclyx earlier to connect waste companies with chemical and mechanical recyclers. ExxonMobil is a founding member of the joint venture. Cyclyx wants to attract other companies, which could include retailers, brand owners, waste-management companies, petrochemical producers and municipalities.

Accoriding to ICIS, by 2025, Cyclyx plans to develop systems that can collect and sort 300,000 tons/year, Agilyx said. The company did not specify if the figure is in short tons or metric tons. By 2030, Cyclyx wants to process 3 million tons per annum of waste plastic around the world, it said.

ExxonMobil said, “The agreement will enable the development of innovative solutions for aggregating and pre-processing large volumes of plastic waste to be used as raw material in recycling processes.”

Collecting, sorting and pre-processing plastic waste has been one of the main challenges of recycling the material, whether chemically or mechanically. Under mechanical recycling, waste plastic is cleaned, sorted and remelted. Sorting is critical, since different types of plastic can contaminate the recycled resins and compromise its performance.

Chemical recycling breaks down the chemical bonds in the plastic, producing feedstock that can be re-polymerised to form new plastics with properties nearly indistinguishable from virgin material. Chemical recycling can handle mixed plastics and material that is too dirty or degraded for mechanical recycling. However, chemical recycling requires chemical plants.

Chemical recycling also needs some degree of sorting, since the chlorine in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) can react during chemical processes to produce harmful byproducts. Agilyx has a plant in Tigard, Oregon state in the US, which relies on pyrolysis to convert waste polystyrene (PS) into styrene oil.

For the full article, please proceed to the website of Independent Commodity Intelligence Services ICIS.



Used Tire News-usedtires.com- Deerfield Beach, Fl-
As we have posted previously buying used tires is safe. The used tires you purchase should be well inspected, free from apparent damage, and no more than 8 years old for passenger cars is recommended. Air tested and visual inspections are always recommended. Contrary to what some new tire makers have put out there the simple act of taking a tire from a rim does not render it unusable. Tire makers via their trade group US Tire Manufacturers Association have for decades spread false rumors about potentially dangerous used tires, nonsense. Each and every used tire is or is not usable depending on different factors of safety. The simple fact you may not know the history of the tire,(what the hell does that mean anyway) is not one of them. The age, condition, and appearance of anomalies are things that need to be considered. In most cases, tires are so well-made they can have two if not three lives. The use if used tires by a sector of the economy not able to purchase new tires has and is always been in the tire market. In the US we sell over 30 million used tires a year. That is why the new tire makers speak badly about our industry they have a tough time competing with s in certain markets and are sore losers.

Chemicals from used car tires causing pollution and killing fish

USED TIRE NEWS- Usedtires.com- NO IT IS NOT USED CAR TIRES CAUSING THE DEATH IT IS CHEMICALS FROM ALL TIRES IN USE WASHING INTO THE WATERWAYS AND THE N KILLING SOHO SALMON A RECENT STUDY SAYS. In a world with many pollution issues and tires have many chemicals in their composition a new study has revealed the following about the hazard of tire s when they denigrate.

This website supports the used tire industry and is a news source for tire dealers worldwide.

The Guardian-
Pollution from car tires is killing off salmon on US west coast, study finds
Mass die-offs of coho salmon just before they are about to spawn have been traced to tire fragments washed into streams by rain

Coho salmon, which can grow to 2ft in length, spend their lives in the ocean but return to the US Pacific coast to spawn.
Coho salmon, which can grow to 2ft in length, spend their lives in the ocean but return to the US Pacific coast to spawn. Photograph: NOAA/Alamy

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Pollution from car tires that washes into waterways is helping cause a mass die-off of salmon on the US west coast, researchers have found.

In recent years, scientists have realized half or more of the coho salmon, also known as silver salmon, returning to streams in Washington state were dying before spawning. The salmon, which reach 2ft in length, are born in freshwater streams before making an epic journey out to sea where they live most of their adult lives. A small number then return to their original streams to lay eggs before dying.

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The cause of the die-off has remained a mystery but a new study, published in Science, has seemingly found a culprit. When it rains, stormwater carries fragments of old car tires into nearby creeks and streams. The tires contain certain chemicals that prevent them breaking down but also prove deadly to the coho salmon.

“The salmon would be inexplicably dead, which is tragic because this beautiful wild animal should be culminating its life and then it’s suddenly dead,” said Jenifer McIntyre, an assistant professor of aquatic toxicology at Washington State University. “The more we look, the more we find it. In some years all of the fish we find dead did not spawn.”

Samples taken from urban streams around Puget Sound, near Seattle, and subsequent laboratory work identified a substance called 6PPD, which is used as a preservative for car tires, as the toxic chemical responsible for killing the salmon. It’s currently unclear how it kills the fish but McIntyre said it was likely to be an “acute cardio-respiratory problem”.

The finding suggests that fish and other creatures elsewhere in the US and around the world are also at risk from the car tire chemical. Animals are being “exposed to this giant chemical soup and we don’t know what many of the chemicals in it even are”, said co-author Edward Kolodziej, an associate professor at the University of Washington.

Researchers Jenifer McIntyre, from left, Edward Kolodziej and Zhenyu Tian investigate the salmon die-off at Longfellow Creek, an urban creek in the Seattle area.
Researchers Jenifer McIntyre, from left, Edward Kolodziej and Zhenyu Tian investigate the salmon die-off at Longfellow Creek, an urban creek in the Seattle area. Photograph: Mark Stone/University of Washington

“Here we started with a mix of 2,000 chemicals and were able to get all the way down to this one highly toxic chemical, something that kills large fish quickly and we think is probably found on every single busy road in the world,” Kolodziej added.

The nature of the threat facing coho salmon has been unclear since the fish were first seen “rolling” down streams, unable to swim upright, in the 1990s, McIntyre said. In an undisturbed riparian area it would be extremely rare for a coho salmon to die before laying its eggs but a growing sprawl of roads, cars and buildings near waterways has coincided with a surge in pre-spawning deaths. A reduction in 6PPD use or buffers to prevent the flow of pollution could help stem the loss of salmon, McIntyre said.

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Coho salmon are federally listed as either threatened or endangered along the US west coast and have diminished greatly from highly developed areas, such as near San Francisco. They are just one species of salmon facing an array of threats from dams, polluting and the climate crisis.

This summer, federal authorities gave permission for a cull of hundreds of sea lions along the Columbia River basin in a desperate attempt to save declining numbers of Chinook and sockeye salmon. More recently, the US government decided to block a proposed gold and copper mine in Alaska that would have threatened the world’s largest wild salmon run.

“Most species of salmon are experiencing a serious threat at least somewhere in their native range,” said McIntyre. “One of my lifelong goals would be to make our cohabitation with them more sustainable. Salmon are beautiful and delicious and important to ecosystems but they are becoming a rare thing for people to experience.”


Used tire News-Usedtires.com -Deerfield Beach, Fl-In the last ten years a new way to recycle tires was born. Tire baling gives tire recyclers and used tire sellers a way to ship tires for disposal overseas cheaper by compacting them. Used Tire baling is a huge part of the tire recycling industry today. In the US we dispose of over 300 million scrap tires a year. Many can be reused and are sold as used tires. Used Tires provide consumers an alternative to buying high priced new tires. Every used tire sold at least saves the dumps or cement kilns from disposing of the carcass temporarily. Reuse Reduce Recycle, buy used tires.

Gradeall International – a renowned supplier of tyre bailing and tyre recycling technology from Northern Ireland – reports that its MK2 tyre baler has been a successful product for the company and its clients. In production for over 10 years, the MK2 tyre baler has found customers across the globe.

Challenges with end-of-life tyre bales
One thing some customers have found during the baling process is that regular PAS108 tyre bales are slow and laborious to load into a shipping container. While PAS108 bales are great for civil engineering applications the usage bales for construction has been rather limited bringing into question the need to produce bales to that specific size.

The actual bale size is not really important to tyre recycling plants, the MK3 tyre baler has been specifically designed to make bales that fit into shipping containers to make transporting tyre bales to recycling plants as straightforward and as efficient as possible.

Gradeall MK3 Tyre Baler in action | Photos by Gradeall International.

Tyre bales are transported via shipping container to a tyre recycling plant. With a standard PAS108 bale, it requires 3 bales to be stacked on top of each other and one bale loaded in beside it vertically. It is turning the 4th bale vertically that significantly adds time to the container loading and unloading process.

The MK3 tyre baler is the solution, it produces tyre bales specifically to go into the width of a standard shipping container, with ample space to spare to ensure bales are also easy to remove.

Benefits of the Gradeall MK3 Tyre Baler
Reduce 40-foot container loading times from 1 hour, to 20 minutes
20-22 MK3 tyre bales in a container, compared with 33 MK2 tyre bales.
Produce bales containing 130-140 tyres per bale, compared with the 85-90 tyres possible in a MK2 tyre baler.
Bales typically weigh 1200 kg
Container loading/unloading is easier, quicker, and safer
If you are at full capacity with a MK2 tyre baler, a MK3 baler will help you upscale your tyre baling operations.

Gradeall MK3 Tyre Baler in action | Video by Gradeall International.

Gradeall says it has had several MK3 tyre balers at a number of sites undergoing extensive testing for over 2 years now. With customers of the baler extremely pleased with the reliability, durability and improved efficiency that comes with the baler. It reduces bale wire costs, shipping, and handling costs. All with the same ease of use and longevity the MK2 tyre baler has been known for.

The increased speed at which the MK3 tyre baler can produce bales has also opened up the avenue for a conveyor to feed tyres to this baler to minimise time lost due to operators searching for more tyres.

To learn more about the technical specifications of MK3 tyre baler and inquire for price, please proceed to Gradeall’s website.


UsedTires.com- Deerfield Beach, Fl-Used Tire News-As we reported yesterday, you have asked and we have listened. Usedires.com the worldwide leader in used tire sales will be offering used tires direct to the public. Stay tuned to our news posts and we will keep you updated.
As we have reported many times this year the fastest growing sector of the sued tire industry is online direct to consumer. Much like Tire rack has mastered the online tire sales niche Usedtires.com hopes to master the inline used tire sales niche. We will be offering the highest quality used tires in singles, pairs and sets direct to you.

USEDTIRES.com Selling Used Tires Direct To Consumers Online Soon

Used Tire News-Usedires.com- You asked us, we are responding. Usedtires.com is getting ready to sell quality used tires direct to the public. Our IT guy is busy setting up our online store,Usedtires,com should be online with our direct sales before the new year. We will offer the same high-quality high treads to you the consumer in singles, pairs, and sets.

Used Tire News- Tire Recycling- Bicycle Tires

Used Tire News-Deerfield beach,Fl-Usedtires.com- Recycling bicycle tires. F

Used Tire News-Deerfield Beach, Fl-

From weibold.com-

Leading bicycle distributor links up with tube and tyre recycling company in the UK

NOVEMBER 13, 2020

The e-magazine Cycle Industry News reports that Madison – one of the UK’s leading bicycle parts and accessories distributors – had linked up with national tube and tyre recycling company Velorim in a bid to offer its retailers a channel to dispose of end-of-life tyres and rubber waste.

The magazine says that with the legislation on scrapping bicycle tyres now caught up with the same rules applicable to car tyres. Velorim set out to assist retailers in disposing of their waste.

Participating bike stores, workshops, hire schemes and cycle refurbishment centres can all now become local collection points. The rubber collected will be reprocessed into new materials, or re-used in other ways, with zero going to landfill and none exported. At present, the majority of the 30,500,000 used tyres and 152,500,000 tubes end up in landfill each year.

Those opting to take part will be asked to collect enough product to fill either a tyre cage (100 x 120 cm), a tyre bag for those with less space, or a tube box (30cm x 40cm x 50cm). Valves must be cut out of tubes prior to shipping. A tyre recycling cage will hold around 180 tyres, a bag around 25 tyres and a carboard box around 160 inner tubes.

For shops and workshops involved in the scheme there is an initial set up fee of £65 for tyre cages and £10 for tyre bags or inner tube boxes. Thereafter there are collection fees for the tyres and inner tubes to be recycled, which are as follows:

£90 per tyre cage collection
£16.50 per tyre bag collection
£20 per tube box collection
According to the magazine, shops needn’t foot the bill entirely though, reminds Velorim, which says that a small levy on customers asking for waste disposal is entirely acceptable.

Russ Taylor about Velorim | Video by Aston University.

“You can charge consumers an amount, for example: 50p per tyre and 20p per inner tube to recycle these with your businesses, or you can encourage consumers to buy a new tyre or inner tube in store and include the costs of recycling as part of the purchase,” says the firm.

Shops are able to request point of sale and merchandising materials ranging A5 information leaflets, an eco-banner, an A4 Strut Card or a dump bin for the tyres to be collected in for instore.

Unfortunately tubes that carry sealant or have multiple repair patches adorned can not be recycled.

Velorim notes that collections can be arranged by email at [email protected]. Dealers can find a view and download a full list of FAQs by logging into Madison B2B and here.

Article: courtesy of Cycling Industry News.

ECO Green Equipment – one of the world’s leaders in end-of-life tire shredding equipment helps Missouri-based trucking company convert old truck tires into rubber mulch.

Used Tire news-Usedtires.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-From weibold.com-

ECO Green Equipment – one of the world’s leaders in end-of-life tire shredding equipment helps Missouri-based trucking company convert old truck tires into rubber mulch.

ECO Green’s recent press release reports that Prime Inc., a Missouri-based trucking company that had been devoted to retreading their used tires, discovered that 20% of end-of-life tires couldn’t be retreaded, and those tires — all 100,000 per year — were ending its lifecycle at landfills. With the help of ECO Green Equipment, they’re improving the environment by creating environment-friendly valued-added products and making money while doing it.

ECO Green Equipment installed at Prime’s premises | Photo: ECO Green Equipment.

ECO Green Equipment is one of the global leaders in turnkey, cost-effective tire recycling systems and integrated tire shredding equipment. ECO Green says that its modular equipment is designed and engineered to deliver optimum production efficiencies for a broad spectrum of rubber aftermarkets, to include rubber mulch, crumb rubber, rubber powder, tire derived shreds (TDS), and wire-free chips.

Prime Inc. reached out to ECO Green for a solution to their tire waste problem. With the help of ECO Green’s equipment – the manufacturer highlights – Prime now converts dual truck and super single tires into rubber mulch and other value added product that can be sold for use in landscaping, walking trails, athletic surfaces, and playground surfaces.

“This process greatly reduces our waste and gets us to a sustainable place where everyone needs to be,” said Mike Jones of EcoShred, the division of Prime Inc. that is dedicated to recycling the company’s tires. “We can now process 98% of the material that comes through.”

Tire Recycling In The United Kingdom Many Tire Recyclers Non Compliant

Used Tire News-Usedtires.com-UK’s Tyre Recovery Association (TRA) reports that a Freedom of Information request (*FOI request submitted by ‘Tyre & Rubber Recycling’ magazine) has starkly exposed levels of non-compliance by many operators claiming ‘T8 exemptions’ for their businesses.

TRA says that in 2019 inspections of almost sixty sites carried out by the Environment Agency across England revealed more than one third to be legally non-compliant. Further action in the EA, conducted in the first 8 months of 2020, showed the situation to have further worsened with almost 50% of sites visited failing to meet legal requirements.

‘This confirms all our worst fears,’ said Peter Taylor OBE, TRA Secretary General, ‘T8 exemptions were intended to offer a ‘light’ touch regulating regime under which small businesses could operate but instead it has been very widely abused as we have long argued. In very many cases this approach allowed irresponsible players to flout the Law yet enjoy levels of overhead and compliance well below those of fully permitted businesses. We are pleased that government now intends to end this gateway to poor practice.’

The Tyre Recovery Association urges all those disposing of end-of-life tyres and especially vehicle dismantlers and tyre retailers to carefully scrutinise the compliance status of those to whom they pass on their waste, their own legal Duty of Care demands it. Tyre recycling industry’s own Responsible Recycler Scheme provides just that assurance of best practice. RRS members are audited and re-certificated annually and endeavour always to maintain high standards of service and compliance.

Press release by Tyre Recovery Association.

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