Recycling Of Used Tires- Tire Derived Fuel Is It A Scam For Fees

August 5,2019-Used Tire Beach, Fl-Used Tire recycling and fee collecting is it a scam? The fact of the matter is tire manufacturers should be held to cradle to grave recycling by law. The makers of tires have sold the public a bill of goods as to the effectiveness and environmentally safe destruction of tires by burning with coal. How many people have their hands in the till collecting scrap tire fees? Where is all of this money going? If you check out your invoices when buying tires itis confusing at best what the consumer is paying and to whom for tire disposal.
The tire industry taught the cement industry how to “monetize” scrap tires for fuel. They created Tire Derived Fuel for a tipping fee. For cement makers, it was a win-win they make money and save on the cost of coal to run their kilns. The bill of good sold by tire makers that tires are burning hotter and cleaner than coal does not say much. Tires burning j the kilns emit plenty of toxins also, just like coal. America is burning nearly 150 million scrap tires a year, but not really clean tire to energy as they would like you to believe.fact is Goodyear Bridgestone/Firestone Pirelli they are the ones that should be handling the worldwide scrap tire issue, yes scrap tires are still a problem.


Used tire news-Deerfield beach, Fl-Contrary to what they want you to believe new tire makers have done little to help recycle scrap and or discarded used tires. The US discards in excess of 300 Million unusable used tires or scrap tires every year. The tire industry which back in the eighties pushed cement companies to upgrade their kilns to allow burning coal with scrap tires and thus saving on the coal. The new tire makers showed cement makers how to profit from “Tipping Fees” for accepting and burning scrap tires. While we have nothing against burning tires for TDF tire-derived fuel, there are certainly other things many of them new tire makers should be doing. Worldwide scrap and used tires can become issues if not attend to properly.