Deerfield Beach ,Fl-Used Tire News -The National Used Tire Dealers Association statitstics show California sold more used tires in the first quarter and Florida a close second due to used tires sold for Export and Texas in third, New York at number 4.
Pennsylvania is the online used tires sales Capital.The densest place that used tires sales occur in the US are Los Angeles,NYC and Miami/Tampa used tire markets.Texas also is selling huge quantites including those Exported to Mexico,Honduras,Guatmala,Belize, El Salvador,Nicaragua and Panama.The largest single growth sector to in usewd tires,is used tires sold online.Still the used tires sold overseas that are bought by consumers for cars and trucks and tractors and more, as ABC reported yesterday are also being used when they are Discarded to help TRAP MOSQUITOS for testing AND eradicaton in countries already infested .If properly controlled used tires can help solve our mosquito problem not foster it.Used Tires for years had been touted as an Excuse to try and persuade Foreign officials to ban their importation.